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Entity: Kairos Connexion


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Archive Datetime: 2016-07-10T09:57:11





Andy Glover // Senior Minister – HBC Chester; Team Leader of Baptist Fresh Streams

We attended this year’s Kx Leaders and spouses retreat as an opportunity to take some time and space to process personally the changes that we are taking our church through as we move into the 4th year of our journey towards building a discipleship culture. We wanted to be around other leaders who are on the same journey who understand the challenges of leading a church through this change. We appreciated the time to reflect and talk about our own “family on mission” within the context of the bigger picture of leading the church.

Mark Carey // Pioneer Minister – Kairos Network Church, Harrogate

Kx is drawing together an extraordinary mixture of leaders united in a shared passion to see the people of God released in discipleship and mission. Chief amongst the benefits, for me, has been the sharing of principles and the observance of practices that has stimulated innovation and given me courage in leadership. In short: whenever I engage with Kx I am discipled to make disciples.

Shiela Porter // Team Vicar – St George’s, Deal

Kx has been a place for me to share insights and receive inspiration in multiplying and releasing missional disciples – enabling us all to dream bigger dreams of greater kingdom impact but grounding it in the ‘so how do we get there’ question.

Jacky Johnson // Senior leader – Kings Church Elim, Warrington

Kx has allowed me as a leader to journey alongside other leaders who seek to be a disciple of Jesus first and foremost. Recognising that everything else follows on from having the courage personally to ‘take hold of that for which Christ has taken hold of me.’ It’s an opportunity for collaboration and innovation around discipleship and mission as we seek to play our part in seeing God’s Kingdom come in a way that is movemental.

John Harding // Senior Pastor – Frontline Church, Liverpool

Kx has been immensely helpful to me as a church leader, providing a highly challenging and supportive context for leadership development. I really value learning from other practitioners who share the same desire to build a movement of missionary disciples.