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Equipping the church to see the missing generation become the rebuilding generation


Thoughts from some Rebuilders

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By Pete Gaunt I love Pizza! I’m just going to put it out there! Most weeks I have the dilemma of choosing between ordering a quality Pizza from Pizza Hut or choosing a couple of oven Pizza’s from Co-op. My wife Katy is also a big Pizza fan which means I have to make a choice – do I go … Read More

Mike SimmsQuality Over Quantity11.27.2014

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By Naomi Godwin and James Stanhope. Naomi and James lead a young adult missional community at our home church in Sheffield and are on our team here at REBUILD. Here they are with some of their insight and things they have learned. James: So Awaken started about a year ago with Naomi leading it with another girl. I had only … Read More

Mike SimmsLeading a Young Adult Missional Community11.17.2014


By Andy Hawkins – Andy lives in Gateshead with his wife and 3 kids, and has a varied 15 years experience leading, discipling and educating young people. In this weeks blog post he looks at the challenges of trying to shift a group into a culture of missional discipleship. Moving youth away from being consumers to transformed producers for Christ. … Read More

Mike SimmsCome dine with you…11.10.2014

Mike SimmsRebuilding A Prayer Culture10.24.2014


By Pete Gaunt This is the first of a blog series looking at some of the most important lessons I have learnt whilst being in and around student ministry. Some of these lessons may seem simple and rather obvious but if we really put them into practise I believe we will see a generation of students rise up and take … Read More

Mike SimmsOneness Before Doneness.10.17.2014

Mike SimmsAn environment of breakthrough…10.11.2014


  The Rebuilding Generation by Josh Cutting It started out as a feeling Which grew into a hope Which turned into a quiet thought Which turned into a quiet word And that word grew louder and louder ‘Til it was a battle cry… It started out with a feeling. The feeling that every time we walked into a church, less … Read More

Mike SimmsRebuilding Generation – Josh Cutting10.03.2014

adminThe Drive Home – New Seasons09.29.2014

adminOffence & Defence09.15.2014

josh cutting blog

Please answer with as most honestly & vulnerably as you can…   Name – Josh Cutting   1)   What is your job? I lead Form at St Thomas Philadelphia and I’m on the Rebuild team   2)   What is your most embarrassing moment? So many!! Pooing myself whilst walking my dog then having to run home though the village.   … Read More

adminGet To Know – Josh Cutting05.29.2014


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