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The missing generation becoming the rebuilding generation


Manchester Student work LC 3

LC overal for website smaller


Date(s) - 28/10/2016 - 29/10/2016
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Dates for remaining communities

28th – 29th October 2016

3rd – 4th February 2017

LC overal for website smallerA Learning Community is a series of 2-day immersion experiences with a team of 3-8 people from your student ministry that incorporates main stage teaching and input with tactical training, expert coaching, and a chance to experience Missional Communities and Huddles. This all concludes with the creation of a six month plan that your team creates for your local ministry context. We recognise that every leader and city is different and your plan needs to reflect those nuances.

What do we get as part of the process?

You will get 4 weekend learning community events to attend as a team. Upon booking we will send you provisional dates for the final 3 weekends. You will be led through a learning process at each weekend to sharpen the youth ministry you lead. Each weekend has a different theme which builds upon each other to create a 360 degree illumination of what you are doing and how you can develop it to be more effective for Jesus. The team leader of your youth ministry will also get a monthly skype or google plus coaching session to continue the thinking process and help you stay on track with the plans you make.


The process costs £300 per year per team for 3 people to attend the weekends. That works out at just £50 per person, per community and you get the coaching calls on top for free. Pretty good huh! You will be invoiced for £50 per person who attended a community (minimum 3 ppl) after each gathering so there is no upfront cost.

If you want to bring an extra person with you then you can do that on a community by community basis for just £50 per extra person you want to bring.

Cost includes: pass to weekend, pack of resources per person, food during times of LC. Excludes accommodation and food outside of community running times.

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Kings Church
Sidney Street - Manchester

53.47139439999999 -2.2370670000000246


Kings Church

Sidney Street


M1 7HB

If you have any queries please do get in touch:

Naomi GodwinManchester Student work LC 310.28.2016


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REBUILD is an operating name of REBUILDING GENERATION which is a registered charity: CHARITY NUMBER: 1166338 - CONTACT US AT INFO@REBUILDINGGENERATION.COM -