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IMG_0022At Rebuild, we are passionate about training and equipping you amazing leaders to reach and disciple a generation.  One of the ways we do this is through our workshops. Our workshops are a day long and are ministry area specific.  We run workshops for:

  • Youth work teams
  • Kids work teams
  • Student teams
  • Young adult teams
  • Young adults engaging in the 7 spheres of society

These workshops are a time to look at some of the things we’ve learned in the past 15 years when working in the context of Youth, Kids, Students and Young Adults Ministry.  There will be teaching, discussion, time with your team and a chance to actually experience Huddles and Missional Communities. We intentionally design the structure of the day to provide you with as much access as possible to the team.

IMG_9999If you’re interested in seeing some different approaches to discipleship and mission, these workshops are a great place for you and your team to enter into that discussion. To see our upcoming workshops check out our events page.

To find out more please email or fill out the form at the bottom of this page.  We’re looking forward to having you with us!

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Which type of workshop are you interested in?

 Youth Kids Students Young Adults Other / Not Sure

Your Questions / Message