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Archive Datetime: 2018-09-04T21:46:32

NEW STAFF!### Kyle McKinnon Director

Kyle first felt God’s tug on his heart for the vision of Reign Ministries while ministering to teenagers in Luton in 1994. His vision of bringing discipleship back to the heart of youth ministry was the impetus for the formation of the entire ministry. He has 24 years experience working with young people. Kyle directs the daily operations of Reign Ministries and oversees the team to work out the disciple-making vision.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Darin Stevens Assistant Director

Darin is a coach at heart. He loves to develop young leaders to become effective in their local ministries. Darin facilitates the teams which deliver the Youth Ministry Degree and The GreenHouse Gap Year. Darin has been discipling young people for 22 years, and brings his love for young people into every part of Reign Ministries.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Joy Stevens Fundraising and Communications Team

Joy brings 18 years of youth ministry experience into her roles at Reign. When not working directly with the training team to mentor teens or teach Theology classes, Joy uses her background in communication to manage fundraising and communication projects for Reign.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Jane McKinnon Staff Development

Formally trained and practicing Occupational Therapy, Jane brings her team-building, strategy and communication skills to bear on the mission and vision of Reign. She is a busy mum to five little ones, but still finds time care for and develop our team.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Alysen Merrill HR Team Leader

Alysen excels at developing people, so her roles at Reign Ministries help to support our students and staff to find their unique place and purpose in God’s Kingdom. Alysen leads our HR team and works closely with the training team to coordinate our residential learning conferences and teach classes. Alysen is also a Gallup Strengthsfinders coach and serves in her local church.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Claire Morris GreenHouse Team Leader

Claire has worked with teenagers in her local church for several years. After spending her gap year in The GreenHouse programme she decided to champion the cause of youth discipleship and studied youth ministry. In September 2016 she started a new role directing the Bicester-based GreenHouse programme. She has a particular passion for discipleship and supporting teens to explore faith in Christ.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Meghan Murphy GreenHouse and Moveolution Team

Meghan spent 3 years working with Intervarsity at Carroll University before bringing her passion for discipleship to Reign Ministries. She holds a degree in Communication and has also worked in the finance industry. She is currently serving in roles in the GreenHouse Gap Year programme, and she leads local youth ministry in Bicester.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Amelia Godden Cluster Team Leader

Amelia graduated from our Youth Ministry Degree programme in 2014 and has since worked with teenagers Chiltern Youth Project and at her church Aylesbury Vineyard. She brings her passion for developing people to the training team and will have a part-time focus on leading a cluster of Degree students as well as developing our team of cluster leaders. Amelia is married to Ben and they have two children.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Katie Poursain Communication Team and Hospitality

Katie coordinates the hospitality at all of our training conferences and really helps us care for our students well. She also helps us communicate well through photography, videography, and social media coordination. Katie lives in Birmingham with her husband, Sam.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### James Yielder Formation Director

James graduated from Moorlands Theological College and worked as an Assistant Youth Minister at Knowle Parish Church near Solihull before joining Reign staff. James brings a passion to encourage students and attention to detail into his role as Assistant Formation Director. When not working with Reign, James leads the youth ministry at Banbury Community Church.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Ryan Murphy Logistics Team

Ryan has recently returned from a two year project with Servant Partners in Thailand, and has relocated to Bicester to work along side his lovely wife Meghan. Ryan has a degree in Christian Ministry from Mary-Hardin Baylor University. Ryan will use his care and administrative gifts to help develop Reign’s Logistics team.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Pete Telfer Degree Team Leader

Pete is happily married to Lizzie and they have a little girl. He lives in Aylesbury where he is the Youth Minister for Church on Berryfields and is on the church leadership team. Over ten years Pete has had various roles with Oasis College of Higher Education, London including learning services, mentoring, supervision, fieldwork and lecturing. He also worked for eight years as the Parish Youth Worker for Uxbridge Parish. Prior to Uxbridge, he worked for the Barnsbury Team in Kings Cross for eleven years taking on various roles but always with young people. He has a B.A. in Youth Work and Ministry with JNC (Oasis College) and has taken various modules towards an M.A. Pete is a passionate Liverpool Football Club fan, loves skiing and has a desire to see young people grow as disciples of Jesus and to see youth workers empowered effectively.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Sam Williams GreenHouse Team

Sam is newly graduated from our degree programme (BA in Mission & Theology) and is joining the GreenHouse team part time. He has worked for the past three years as a Youth Minister at Emmanuel Church, Bicester. In addition to his role developing the GreenHouse Gap Year, he works part time at FLTR coffee and is pioneering new ministry in the Eco Town in NW Bicester. Sam keeps us in smiles and good coffee and makes sure we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Ali Rice GreenHouse Team

Ali completed the GreenHouse Gap Year last year and now joins the leadership team. He is studying in the degree programme (BA in Theology & Mission). He has a heart for young people, the church and cross-cultural ministry. When not working with the GreenHouse or doing degree work you can find Ali at the Kings School, Witney ministering on the pastoral team with young people.

Send an EmailNEW STAFF!### Charlie Morris Moveolution Team Leader

Charlie was born in Canberra, the capital of Australia, and moved to the UK in 2005. He has been involved in youth work, as a volunteer leader or paid worker, for 30 years. For the last nine years he was the National Director for Urban Saints in Scotland while serving as a trustee for Reign Ministries.

Charlie and his wife Ruth live in Scotland and they care deeply about seeing the young people of Scotland discipled for Christ. Charlie will be focusing on helping us grow and develop our mission trips and will be getting involved in other key parts of the ministry. We believe his experience and creativity will be a massive help in helping the ministry develop.

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Broader Team Partners

### David Isgrove ICY

Send an Email### Linda Isgrove ICY

Send an Email### Colin Piper ICY

Send an Email### Jeff Lothamer Journey Communities

Send an Email### Sarah Caton Journey Communities

Send an Email### Christie Lothamer Journey Communities

Send an Email### Steve Caton Journey Communities

Send an Email### Joy Lewis Bicester Methodist Church

Send an Email### Andy Lewis Bicester Methodist Church

Send an Email### Alex Shoderu

Send an Email### Grahame Hayes

Send an Email### John & Louise Prockter

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Ministry Partners

### ForMission College### Rebuild Learning Communities