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Reign Ministries

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Charity Number & Trustees

Reign Ministries has been working in the United Kingdom since 2001 and became a recognized charity registered in the UK in 2008. Our charity number is 1126864.

Mr. Luke John Williamson

Luke Williamson serves our board as the Chairman of the Trustees.  He is an architect based in Oxfordshire.  He also is a great dad to three kids, a guy who likes to play football and a good friend. Both he and his wife Hannah were involved at various times in helping Reign Ministries with youth work and is part of Crowded House Bicester.

Mr. Charlie Morris

Charlie is the director of Urban Saints in Scotland. He was involved with the leadership of ICY-UK for 3 years and has been a keen supporter since. His heart to see God work in the lives of young people has shown through in the various ministry settings that God has placed him in. His wife Ruth is great and they have a son Tim.  He serves as the treasurer for Reign Ministries.

Mr. Phillip Lynden Hibbert

Phillip Hibbert is the youth and childrens’ co-ordinator for Hillingdon Park Baptist Church.  Before starting that job he grew up in South Africa and was a youth minister there for a number of years. He is married to Monique and has a daughter named Emily. Phil has a great amount of creativity that God continues to use to see young people move closer to God.

Rev. Louis O. Inks

Louie Inks founded Reign Ministries in the US 28 years ago and is currently the director. His love for teenagers is what keeps him taking teens on missions trips each summer. His vision and support for the ministry and team in the UK has been a huge support in making it become a reality. He has 2 kids, 2 grand kids and a great granddaughter.

Mr. Kyle Allen McKinnon

Kyle McKinnon is the Director of Reign Ministries in the UK.  For more information on Kyle, you can read his bio page here.

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© 2008-2010 Reign Ministries. All rights reserved. | 36 Scampton Close, Bicester Ox26 4ff | Tel: 01869 242 560 | UK charity: 1126864