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Reign Ministries

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Kyle & Jane McKinnon

Kyle serves as the director of Reign Ministries in the UK. He has been instrumental in the founding and development of Reign Ministries and God continues to use his leadership gifting to set priorities and move each area of the ministry forward.

God started to form a vision for the work of Reign Ministries in Kyle’s heart in his teenage years. After attending Cedarville University (BA Religion) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MDiv), along with 12 years participating and leading overseas mission teams, Kyle accepted an invitation in 2001 to help develop youth ministry in a local church in Bicester. At the same time, plans for Reign Ministries’ work began to take shape. It is powerful to see how closely the current ‘picture’ of Reign resembles Kyle’s early dreams from his teenage years.

Kyle and Jane met as they worked together with young people. They married in 2003 and have two children, Isaac and Lili.

Jane works as an Occupational Therapist in Oxford and is a key part of the Crowded House Bicester ministry and leadership team. Jane uses her relational gifts to build friendships with young people as well as disciple key young women. Her development insights continue to help shape the life of the church community.



About Kyle McKinnon

Kyle is passionate about youth discipleship in the UK.

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Bicester bless celebrate church community conference Convent Story Cooper School crowded house Disciplemaking eat equipping evangelism Faith Stories Greenhouse hanging out Heyford Park Chapel ICY-UK listening ministry missional outreach play Prayer requests rhythms service Soma story-formed students taster training triplets Trustees vocabulary winning youth ministry

© 2008-2010 Reign Ministries. All rights reserved. | 36 Scampton Close, Bicester Ox26 4ff | Tel: 01869 242 560 | UK charity: 1126864