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Reign Ministries

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Scott and Heidi Goossen

Scott and Heidi’s main role is developing a youth ministry in the community of Heyford Park, Oxfordshire. Scott also uses his relational and networking gifts to develop the youth ministry training and mission programmes. His experience in youth ministry and positive spirit help develop our trainee youth ministers.

Heidi serves the vision by building relationships with the many young teenage girls in Heyford Park, using her hospitality gifts to make the Goossen home a ministry base and taking on many administrative tasks necessary to develop the Reign Ministries vision.

Scott and Heidi met at Trinity International University (Scott BA Youth Ministry/Biblical Studies) (Heidi BA Organizational Communications). During this time Scott served at Immanuel Baptist Church. Scott and Heidi were married in 1999 and following graduation from Trinity, the Goossens moved to Liberty Bible church where Scott served as a youth minister for 9 years. Scott and Heidi moved to Heyford Park in October 2009.

Scott and Heidi have two children, Elijah and Carter.



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