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Challenge 72 Belfast 2011

by Scott Goossen on 2011/11/15 » Add the second comment.

One of the main reasons why I love leading Greenhouse is that our experiences are to engage participants’ thinking, their dependence on God and their understanding of their calling to live. Challenge 72, Belfast Northern Ireland does just that. It is a moment for us to wrestle with what we already know and assume about God, mission, evangelism, discipleship and community.

Two weeks ago we took a deep look into Luke 10 to not only study this key moment in Jesus’ ministry but to live it out in the Northern Irish context. We asked questions about whether this passage is just about a “harvest” season or is it about recognizing the spiritual seasons that people are in. We challenged the GreenHouse participants to move from a notion of evangelism of random acts of kindness or “I have something to tell you about God”, to shift their thinking and practice to more of intentionality. We dropped them off in the city centre with some cash and little instruction except from the discussion the night before. Their goal was to make an eternal and practical impact of the Kingdom in someone’s life.

For some of the Greenhouse-ers day one seemed to leave them frustrated with feeling like they had wasted six hours of their lives walking around in the rain. They were feeling forced to share their faith and didn’t like going to strangers on the streets. Others felt that their experience was good. They handed out cheap umbrellas to people on a wet day, only to break with a burst of wind. They felt like they were able to give some homeless folks food and warm drink. One group even fed a tribe of drunken teenagers cheeseburgers.

At the dinner table that night we discussed through their experiences whether good or bad. We patiently listened to one another stories of their day. We waited for the right opportunities to speak. We asked questions and pointed them back to the Challenge 72 in Luke 10. We asked them was the goal of today to share “the good news” by preaching and telling someone they are sinner? Or is this an opportunity to listen and ask the Holy Spirit “what does the good news mean for the person I am talking with? Is it hope, community, freedom from guilt, or forgiveness?” Was the goal of the day to just meet strangers on the street or to go be with people where they chill out and do life in community? We discussed whether success is seen in how we spent the money by doing many good things for people or is it in having a conversation with a person for 45 minutes over a cup of coffee.

It was in this moment with their eyes looking at me and the silence of the table that I said a phrase that changed the whole trip and shifted our thinking of what we Jesus followers are about. I asked… “Is our current method of discipleship/evangelism similar to offering cheap sex to people because it makes us feel good, it is easy, and offers no real commitment? Or is God wanting to offer something that is rich, intentional, and something that is not experienced by everyone?”

This question really challenged why we were there in Belfast. It really shaped they way we began to think about why God wants us to be His bride and reflect His love and glory in our local context with teenagers and neighbours. That night we went to bed thinking about what does it really mean to evangelize and discipleship like Jesus instructed his friends to do in Luke 10.

The next day we did the same challenge with the Greenhouse participants. We gave them some cash with a little more instruction. Reminding them not to offer “cheap sex” but to be intentional with people so they may see, feel, and experience the love of God and his kingdom. We wanted them to be committed just as Christ was committed.  We then dropped off the team leaders and told the teams to take significant time to read their Bibles, journal, and pray to the LORD of the season for direction. We wanted them to ask the Holy Spirit to help them meet “people of peace” and allow them to hear what God wanted to them to hear.

The result…we ate a late supper. The GeenHousers spent hours with people in conversation over coffee, beer, and burgers. One of the girls said that spending significant time with a homeless couple changed her life forever and that she felt God pour compassion into her heart for people in need. Some were able to share their faith and the reason why they were in the GreenHouse, but this was not the reason for their conversation with people it was just a part of getting to know someone. Some of the participants came back with exchanged emails and facebook info with their new friends.

What will happen from here I am not sure. My hope is that the Green House participants have moved from thinking that we need to be successful to we need to be faithful. That we need to move from an evangelism and discipleship that is almost “cheap sex” to intentional commitment to people and the journey they are on.

I ask that you pray with us as we learn to walk in the dust of our rabbis, our king, our leader, Jesus.


Find more like this: Greenhouse , evangelism, missions, prayer, students

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By Scott Goossen

I love working with and training emerging youth leaders who want to make disciples who will go and make disciples. I am passionate about missional church exploration and how that can help youth ministries flourish in the rural villages of England. Follow Scott Goossen on or Facebook

One Response to Challenge 72 Belfast 2011

  • Jeanne Thackerson says: 2011/11/17 at 6:54 pm WOW! Greenhouse Challenge 72! What an exciting ministry! I so enjoyed reading about your evening. you sure know how to challenge our thoughts and to re-think how we are to witness to others. What a great job the Lord is doing through you! Keep up the good news! Congrats on baby Goose, what a MIRACLE!! God is so awesome!! Love to you all, Jeanne PS> GOD Bless you and your family this Thanksgiving Day!!


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