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Even young people desire meaning and a purpose

by Robert Ashmore-Harris on 23 Mar, 2010 » Add the second comment.

One of my main responsibilities in my first year was to help with a lunch time club for year 7′s (11-12 year olds). I didn’t get opportunity to start volunteering in the school until the January term. As January is in the middle of the school year rather than the beginning this raised a curiosity among the young people at the club. The young people started asking me questions about who I was, why I was in the school which gave opportunity to share about my faith. Towards the end of one of these lunch clubs one of the young people asked “How did you become a Christian?”, as it was toward the end I said that I would tell him but if he asked me again tomorrow. I was hoping he would but also expected that he would forget. Tomorrow became today and I was again asked by this young person “So, how did you become a Christian?”. I then sat down and preceded to tell him how through the club he was currently at and its link with Church how I became a Christian. What was  more amazing about it is later on he asked for a Bible. He then found a Bible at home and preceded to read it and said he was doing it to give meaning to his life. This young guy is still involved with the lunch club and now helps out the staff in running it. However, I would love an opportunity to intentionally to go through the Bible with him and help see how God applies to his life and gives him meaning.

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meshack omarima mecha

8 Apr, 2010

4:53 am

I am happy to see youth to come to GOD .the spirit is doing working ,and GOD IS GOOD ALL TIME .MAT 9;36-37 but remember youth in my church are suffering with one bible in five people.if is old bible send to us. THANKS PHIL 4;4




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