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Crowded Costa

by Alysen Merrill on 2011/07/08 » Add the first comment.

Bicester, Sheep Street, Tuesday, 6.45 pm. All the shops are closed. All the shops? No, one shop just started to become alive! It’s the Costa Coffee shop. Up to 40 teenagers aged 15+ show up every week to hang out, to talk and to have fun, but also to think about God, His love and their need for Him.

But this is not the picture of a youth group that meets, worships and listens to a talk by one of the leaders.  Costa is a picture of individual conversations to build up trust and friendships where teenagers feel comfortable enough to talk about God and finally start believing in Him.

Costa is a way of reaching out to non-Christian teenagers in Bicester. When the teenagers come to Costa for their first time they often aren’t interested in God at all.  More likely they have a look because of friends or because they are bored and want to try something new. Most of them have misconceptions about God or have had some bad experiences with Christianity. So for us it is always important to choose the right moment and way to bring up God into the conversations we have with them and to show them by our actions that Christians are normal people you can hang out with.

But Crowded Costa doesn’t only happen on Tuesday evenings. For example, since the first part of the Moto shop is finished people meet here every other week to watch a movie or to have a barbecue in the backyard. In the last two weeks, where an American mission team was here, all people from Costa were invited to join the team for games and food. Some of the people that came to these nights started a relationship with God after the local team had been pouring into their lives for many years. So Crowded Costa is not only one specific happening every week at a certain place at a certain time. It is more a lifestyle of caring for teenagers and telling them about the most important thing in our life -God- not only by living it out although by telling them.

Last week at Crowded Costa we approached with something new. Some of the leaders and some of the teenagers that came to faith in the last weeks handed out some Gospels of John to the people they were talking with and encouraged them to sit down and read a chapter, discuss it and think about it. It is amazing how some newborn Christians were passionate about leading their friends to God and to model for them how much joy it is to know that they are saved. We are very excited to see God using them in the future.

That is a small overview over what Costa is and what happened in the last weeks here in Bicester. We definitely want to build up on the amazing things God has done here and therefore it would be great if you pray for Costa and the people there. Some things you can especially pray for are baptisms we plan to do in 2 weeks, that the momentum created during the last weeks can hold on during the summer break and that we can use it and that the new Christians stay in faith and have brothers and sisters that care for them and support them.

Find more like this: Updates , Crowded Costa, evangelism, Moldova missions trip, prayer requests

By Alysen Merrill

I am passionate about what God is doing in England. I moved here after experiencing the spiritual climate at university. I love working in as a ICY-UK cluster leader and being involved in my local church--Pavilion Christian Community. Follow Alysen Merrill on Twitter or Facebook or support Alysen Merrill with a donation

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