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Prayer is Important

by Alysen Merrill on 2011/06/23 » Add the first comment.

Prayer is important. I was reminded just how much the other day.

We have a family in our community that for a few years now have been semi-regular in their attendance, and half haphazardly connected in all they we do.  We’ve loved them, offered ways to connect them to others, and tried to let them know we miss them when they aren’t around.  In the last year, that picture has changed.

What has changed is the family has become an active part of our church community.  The parents, the youth – they are involved.  When I look at where they are now, I realize that one of the big motivators for this has been prayer.

The motivation hasn’t come from the fact that we’ve been praying that they would show more of a spiritual interest and that a by-product of that would be involvement – but rather, the offering of consistent prayer and the dialogue that starts when others pray for you.

See, the young dad’s dad has been seriously ill for a few months now.  One of the consistent things we try to do is to invite people to give us prayer requests and then we email them out to the church, and also pray for them every day at midday prayer.  As his dad became more ill, this young father was bold enough to ask for prayer.

Once people knew that this family was caring for an ill father, they had a way to support and connect with them.  People started to ask how the dad was doing.  Every week we’d gain updates and new prayers would be said.  This young father became connected through his prayer requests.  I think out of that being in community became more important.  Having the father decide it was important I think had led to the whole family being with us.

I talked to the young dad this week at church.  I told him that I was glad that his father was coming home and that we would continue to pray for his health.  The young father went on to share how through this, he had to realize that he couldn’t barter with God, or ask God to heal his father in his time scale.  He had to learn to trust God.  It’s still an uphill battle with his father, but he now knows prayers are being said, and that he is has to be reliant on God.  What he thought would be a few crazy weeks with his dad being hospitalized had turned into months and through that he had to stop working out how God could solve everything.

I stood amazed as this dad talked because through this huge trial, this young father has learned to trust.

What has come through this is a man who is closer to God and a family that is following closely behind.

Find more like this: Updates , discipleship, Pavilion, prayer

By Alysen Merrill

I am passionate about what God is doing in England. I moved here after experiencing the spiritual climate at university. I love working in as a ICY-UK cluster leader and being involved in my local church--Pavilion Christian Community. Follow Alysen Merrill on Twitter or Facebook or support Alysen Merrill with a donation

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