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Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

Visit with us

Spend a day with the BTh Degree Program students!

Interested in Finding Out More?

You can only find out so much from looking at our website.  Come visit us for the day at our next conference and experience the real heart of the Degree Program.

▪   Meet and talk to current student youth ministers

▪   Sit in on a lecture

▪   Share meals and fun with the Reign Ministries family

▪   Worship and be Inspired at our morning and evening sessions

Save The Date
Jun 24-28 **Old Mill House -**Shipston on Stour
September 2-6 **Old Mill House -**Shipston on Stour

Call Now!

There is no obligation so come and see for yourself.  Email Darin at to arrange a visit.

“This degree has a great balance of academic and practical hands on training through a placement. I love that I am not just sitting in the classroom, but I get the opportunity to put everything into practice.”- Shannon

Read about our Degree Programme

36 Scampton Close, Bicester OX26 4FF . Tel: 01869 242 560 . UK charity: 1126864