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Archive Datetime: 2013-06-19T06:06:28

Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

Final Party Page Temp

It’s Birthday Time!

As of 12 pm June 14th

You helped raise a total of £15,700!

*With these funds, we will be able to completly finish the Moto shop and even get a sign and tinted windows (expenses we desired, but didn’t dream possible). With the remaining monies, we will be able to provide scholorships for future students.

We will keep you posted as these things develop.  Thank you from the bottom of our heart for partying, praying, and giving with us! Thanks to our good God who shows us His love in such tangible ways.*

The parties over, but you can still join in by watching our birthday story in these videos.

Day 1 videos

Day 2 videos


Day 3 videos


View other party videos




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