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Entity: Reign Ministries


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Archive Datetime: 2016-12-20T06:49:37


 “Many years ago I had the feeling that God wanted me to work for him. I had an experience that made me think ‘I have to do youth work’ and was eager to learn all of the theology related to young people. I had a difficult time when I was younger – there were a few relationships that were difficult with my family but this made me have a strong relationship with Jesus. God gave me a picture about working with young people and I started youth work at my church. This is when I became really passionate about it. Kids are important. Often they grow up and they say “I don’t want to live with God anymore”. Young people, you can talk to them, and when they have problems you can help. It’s an important time of their life where they are discovering their values and making decisions for their life and what they believe in. I want to be there for them.” – Rebecca, Hamburg Germany