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Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

FAQ Greenhouse

Toggle the items to find the answers to FAQ Greenhouse.

When do you start taking applications?

Accepting application now for Season 5 beginning Fall 2014.

When do i know if I’m accepted?

We will make our acceptance decision in the Spring time. We will be in contact with you throughout the process.

What does an average week look like?

While there is nothing average about your potential experience most weeks will involve the following:

  • Three mornings of study time as a group where you will be learning about life and ministry as Jesus modelled it.
  • Lots of time spent working with young people (eg. school lunch clubs, after school groups, coffee shop ministry).
  • There will also be times in the week where you will prepare for the lessons/groups that you will lead.
  • There will be times for you to do personal study focused on growing your relationship with God and your understanding of his strategy for ministry.
  • There will also be times where you participate in the local church in the community.
  • Oh yes there will also be times to laugh as well!

Can I have family and friends visit me?

Yes! You may even be able to house a friend with you for a couple days in your accommodation.  If multiple visitors are coming for more than a couple days, you will need to sort their accommodation.

Can I take additional holiday time?

You will have 2 weeks of holiday time over Christmas and 1 week over Easter.  You may also arrange 1-2 weeks of pre-approved holiday time to travel or host family and friends.

What other money will I need for the year?

You are responsible for travel costs to and from the GreenHouse (unless you are an EVS participant).  You are also responsible for your own food and pocket money throughout the year.   We recommend £100/month for food.  We will help you raise an additional £500 to use throughout the year for hosting teenagers, starting new projects and using on mission as you see opportunities to meet needs.

Will I be able to work during the gap year?

You will not be able to work and do the GreenHouse gap year at the same time.  Your week will be full of learning and ministering to teenagers. The money you raise will supply you with the funds you need for the experience.

Where will I live

Some of you will live together in a flat above Reign Ministries’ offices near the centre of town. Others will live together in rented accommodation nearby. Either way, you will learn to live, cook, host and share life with other participants and an occasional staff or visitor. Your accommodation costs are included in the course fees.

How can I raise all this money?

Don’t panic! We are here to help, but more importantly, trusting God and seeing Him provide to make your gap year possible is often one of the most faith-forming experiences of the whole year!

When are the course fees due?

For British applicants, your non-refundable downpayment of £300 is due by 1 May. Remaining course fees are due in full before arrival in September. The additional £500 for your personal ministry funds will come in throughout the year. For European applicants we will work with you and your EVS sending agency to secure the course fees and ensure you receive money towards travel, food and pocket money.

For US applicants, your non-refundable downpayment of £300 is due by 1 May.  Remaining course fees are due in full before arrival in September.   We must also see evidence that you have £100 of monthly funding arranged for food by arrival.  The additional £500 for your personal ministry funds will come in throughout the year.

Learn More:

“In the last seven months, my relationsihp with God has become more important and more intensive. God has spoken into my life, and step by step I am able to put different pieces together to find what God wants for my future.” - Soren

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36 Scampton Close, Bicester OX26 4FF . Tel: 01869 242 560 . UK charity: 1126864