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Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

My Gap Year

Grow Closer to God

Effective mission and ministry must flow out of a full life with God.  Whether you are a new Christian or more familiar with God, we will start with the basics as you are guided in spending time with God through Scripture and in prayer each day.

You will live in a community of other gap year students who can encourage you and sharpen you through regular weekly ‘huddles’ as well as 6 inspiring conferences full of worship and digging deeper.

Experience what it’s like to trust God fully each day as you pour your life out to young people.

Impact Teenagers

Less than 1% of teenagers currently go to church.  Most have never rejected God, they simply have no history or experience with Him.

During your gap year you will learn to share your faith with young people in the local secondary schools and in the community.  You will also be equipped to disciple teenagers – often in the context of a very new and different way of being the church.

You will also have the opportunity to take teenagers outside of their own comfort zone – on mission -  and watch them make big strides in their own faith.

Explore Your Calling

We want to help equip and release you for a future of Kingdom building.  First you will explore your own strengths, personality, gifting and passions as you see how God has uniquely shaped you for His purpose.

Along the way you will be inspired by on-sight visits and stories of visionary Christians who have changed the world.  You will receive training and support from coaches and a personal mentor.

See what a life of ministry to youth feels like and explore other avenues of mission to all ages as you take Jesus with you wherever you go.

Read the Details on the next page.

“In the last seven months, my relationsihp with God has become more important and more intensive. God has spoken into my life, and step by step I am able to put different pieces together to find what God wants for my future.” - Soren

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