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Welcome to our series ‘Friends of Reign’ where[* Facebook

“I began thinking about youth when I started my gap year at church. I started university but was put on a different course that I had applied for and so I came back not knowing what to do. My youth worker at the time offered me some work with her at the church. We had an amazing youth service one night and I thought ‘I really want to do this all the time’ and so I started looking at where and how I could study youth work. There weren’t many colleges near me that I could do this so the format of Reign Ministries really worked for me. I wanted to stay at the church I was at too. What I love is that I didn’t have any training but young people were telling me that what I was doing was ‘amazing’ and ‘fun’ and they loved it so that encouraged me to pursue the degree. One young boy in the youth asked if he could help run an evening so just seeing his passion growing made me realise how valuable what I was doing is.” – Pippa, UK