Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to Reign Ministries.

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Entity: Reign Ministries


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Archive Datetime: 2018-09-04T20:45:55

Be sure to read through all of the GreenHouse content, including the FAQs and Costs.When you are ready, please click below to start completing the online application. Click SUBMIT when you are finished.

uk-button UK Applicants Apply Here evs EVS Applicants Apply Here

What Happens Next?

  • Apply Online

We will confirm that we received your application and set up a time to talk with you.

Please set up a Skype or Facetime account so that we can conduct a face-to-face interview

  • Interview

  • Invite & Acceptance

We will inform those who are accepted following interviews (usually starting in April)

  • Preparation & Fundraising

We will send you a welcome packet that contains all the important details you need for this stage of your GreenHouse journey. We will follow up with Skype chats to answer your questions and make sure you are fully prepared for your GreenHouse experience.

  • First Deposit Due

£300 is due by 1 May to confirm your place.

  • EVS Participants

EVS Participants will meet with their Sending Agency for Pre-Departure Training before their arrival in the UK.

  • Final Payment and Arrival

Arrive in the UK in early September. Final payment is due prior to arrival.