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Reign MinistriesYouth Ministry in the UK

A Movement of Young People…

by mhoober » click here for full post


…Reaching Young People

That is our vision.

We long to see this generation of young people brought into a relationship with God and into the life of the church. 

With less than 1% of teenagers attending church in the UK today, many worry about the future of this generation and the future of the church.  Churches and communities are employing many innovative methods and releasing unprecedented amounts of resources in an effort to turn this trend around.

We believe this can happen through a movement of young people reaching and providing spiritual care for their peers.  We are committed to following the multiplying strategy of disciple-making modelled by Jesus and exist to see it imprinted on youth ministry throughout the UK.  God has used young people throughout history to transform the world and He will use British teenagers to do that today.


Reign Ministries has three main initiatives to help imprint Jesus’ strategy on ministry to young people.  These function on both the local and national level.

First, our staff serve locally as ministers in churches to implement disciple-making ministries among teenagers.  We are seeing small groups of young people serving their peers, sharing their faith and leading their friends to grow in their relationship to God.

Second, we are working to raise-up future youth ministers who will lead disciple-making movements through our training programme, ICY-UK.  The training is practical as trainee youth ministers serve in a church to gain experience. The training is also professional as students earn a qualified degree whilst ministering.

Finally, we offer dynamic mission and disciple-making experiences for young people and trainee youth ministers to stretch their heart and ministry skills, such as our outreach to Moldova.


36 Scampton Close

Bicester Ox26 4ff

UK charity: 1126864

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