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Reign Ministries

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Establishing Youth Ministries and Training Youth Ministers

ICY-UK is a strategic partnership between Reign Ministries and International Christian Youthworks.  By combining our Biblical disciple-making approach to youth ministry, real-world experience and an opportunity to earn a qualification, we are able to train and place disciple-making youth ministers across the UK. 

Youth Minister Training

ICY-UK offers training, experience and a qualification for emerging leaders who are looking to prepare for youth ministry.  Participants can choose between a variety of training tracks that last two-three years.  Each track is practical and missional, which means training is not restricted to the classroom.  Students apply their curricular learning in an on-the-job apprenticeship through a local church whilst they complete their coursework.  Each trainee youth minister is supported by an experienced practitioner as well as other trainees in the same geographical area.  Learn more about your training experience here.

For Churches Who Want Youth Ministries

If you are a church who is looking to pioneer or further develop ministry to young people, ICY-UK are looking for ministries in which to place emerging youth ministers who will impact teenagers in your church and community.  ICY-UK delivers the training whilst the church provides the context for ministry to young people.  This powerful partnership is effective and affordable.  Learn more about starting a youth ministry in your church here.


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© 2008-2010 Reign Ministries. All rights reserved. | 36 Scampton Close, Bicester Ox26 4ff | Tel: 01869 242 560 | UK charity: 1126864