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Reign Ministries

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Compare Tracks

Student Options

Track Cost Cross-Cultural Mission Weekly Cluster Conferences (6 each year) Qualification
Missional Leaders * £500/yr * Year 1 * Yes * Yes * None
BTh UK Students * £1500/yr * Year 2 * Yes * Yes * Bachelors in Theology Hons Mission
BThUSA Students * Yr 1: £1100 * Yrs 2-4: £2400/yr * Year 2 * Yes * Yes * Yr 1: Year Foundational * Yrs 2-4: Bachelors in Theology Hons Mission

Church Options

Other Costs
Track Training Costs (trainee from your church) Training Costs (trainee supplied by ICY-UK) Accomo dation Food Transport Pocket Money
Missional Leaders * only £1,200/yr * £2,500/yr No cost for church if provides own trainee Approx. £150 £25-50/week
Church covers these if ICY-UK supplies trainee
BTh UK Students * £3,000/yr * £3,000/yr No cost for church if provides own trainee Approx. £150 £25-50/week
Church covers these if ICY-UK supplies trainee
BTh USA Students n/a * £2,500 first year * £3,000 yrs 2-4 * Yes * Yes Approx. £150 £25-50/week

© 2008-2010 Reign Ministries. All rights reserved. | 36 Scampton Close, Bicester Ox26 4ff | Tel: 01869 242 560 | UK charity: 1126864