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Archive Datetime: 2016-12-14T08:23:21


The youth community at our church is composed of young people who are at various stages of spiritual interest.  Probably only a quarter of the young people who we see on a weekly basis have a relationship of trust with Jesus.  So when it comes to things like the upcoming Advent season we are constantly trying to find creative, new ways to engage our young people with the gospel.

We came across an idea from a church who challenges it’s members to use a camera to take pictures connected to the Advent themes.  We love the hands-on approach and we think young people will too.  So this Advent we’ve put together a challenge that combines their love of their PHONES with what we hope is a growing interest in JESUS.

Here’s how it works:

  1. At our church in Bicester we’ve put together an Instagram account called PictureAdventBicester.  You could easily do the same for your town.
  2. We are going to challenge our youth to follow the daily reading (usually about 3 verses) and then share a photo in Instagram that “pictures” the Advent concept of the day.  This gives the youth a creative way to reflect on the Advent concept and use the technology they love.
  3. We are asking each individual who participates from our group to tag the picture they share as @PictureAdventBicester and then anyone can see the way the community of believers is “picturing Advent” in our town.  You could do the same for your community- just create a new Instagram account with the words PictureAdvent_(your town or church name)___.  Invite others to get involved!
  4. Lastly, if it helps, steal our stuff!  We’ve attached the photo challenge .jpg that we’ve put together.  There’s a big blank space at the bottom for you to fill in the name of the Picture Advent group that you create.  Download it here!