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Entity: Reign Ministries


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Archive Datetime: 2018-09-04T19:13:15



Sign Your Team Up!

Click the link HERE to sign your team up to Learning Community!


Dates, Cost & Location

The next date is Fri 22nd – Sat 23rd June 2018 at The House of Bread. The cost is £200 per church, per weekend. Click the link below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions


Share Our Flyer!

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Get a focus plan for your Youth Ministry

Spend time focusing on your youth work with your team, re-think your structures and learn how to take non-churched youth into your groups. Get a better understanding of how you work best as a team and zone in on your priorities. This is a weekend to slow down and hear from God on where He wants you to be focusing for the next 6 months and then learn how to put that calling into a digestible action plan.

Why Round Pounds?

Get time with your team

The weekend is very practical and you will get chance to discuss every question and idea with your team so that you can examine the relevance to your home churches. The weekend takes a lot of accountability so you can discuss what you have planned and put it into practice when you get home.

The vision is for discipleship and multiplication, and this weekend will push you to think through these things in ways you haven’t before. We guarantee you will hear from God and learn how to move forward to see His Kingdom in your community of young people.

Join with other churches

The small group size means the weekend has a great family-feel where you can support and be inspired not only by your own team but by other churches who are joining in. It is a great opportunity to connect with other youth workers and leaders around the UK & Europe and share in this adventure together. You will feel like you are part of something much bigger and very exciting!

Trade your full money box for a Round Pounds T-shirt