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Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

Mission Trips: Moveolution

Ashbygroup Mission Trips: MoveolutionMoveolution trips are more than your typical mission trip.  Moveolution is a mission trip especially created to help you grow as a disciple of Christ in the context of missions.

We help you grow by showing you how to share about Christ, by putting you in a place to step out, then by helping you to live what you learn.  We might take you to Czech to teach English or work with the poor in Moldova.  Sometimes we will go to a nearby town and share on the street.

If you are 15 to 18, and you are ready to take the next step on your journey with Christ, then we want to help. Through Moveolution, we will expose you to others who need hope. We will equip you to share the Jesus who lives inside you, and we will give you a vision for an extraodinary life with purpose.

Moveolution takes 2 different trips througout the year. One to Moldova, one of the worlds poorest countries.  Another trip happens in the Spring and its location changes from year to year.

Click here to learn about our next Moveolution trip.

Learn More:

Read about past trips:

36 Scampton Close, Bicester OX26 4FF . Tel: 01869 242 560 . UK charity: 1126864