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Reign Ministries

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Moldova Mission Trip

Moldova Mission Trip

Go To Moldova.  Make A Difference.  Join The Adventure. Have Fun.

Are you open to a time of adventure in the poorest country in Europe, where many villages have no gospel presence?  Come and join us!  We will be working with local churches as they reach out to children and young people in different villages. We will do this through songs, games, bible lessons, and more. The challenges that Moldova presents will stretch you in many ways, but, the change you experience will be for a lifetime.

Dates: approximately 24 July to 6 August, 2010

Cost: L600 plus spending money and a notarized letter

If you are interested in an application, please contact:

Kyle McKinnon on 07811124861 or


You can download and print a flyer about the mission trip here: Moldova-Info-2010.

Apply Now

APPLY NOW!  There is no obligation to begin the application process.  Speak to our staff today.

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Moldova mission trip

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