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Reign Ministries

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Its more than a mission experience.  Moveolution is specially created to help you grow as a disciple of Christ.

We help you grow by showing you how to share about Christ, by putting you in a place to step out, then by helping you to live what you learn.  We might take you to Czech to teach English or work with the poor in Moldova.  Sometimes we will go to a nearby town and share on the street.

If you are 15 to 18, and you are ready to take the next step on your journey with Christ, then we want to help. Through Moveolution, we will expose you to others who need Hope. We will equip you to share the Jesus who lives inside you, and we will give you a vision for an extrodinary life.

Moveolution Has Three Parts:

1. Go

Go on a Moveolution mission trip. Jump down to our next trip»

2. Learn

On the mission trip, we will train you to share with others about Jesus Christ.  Then you will have the chance to do it. When you do, you will see God move in your own life, and theirs, in ways you have never seen before. Not only will you learn how to share, you will learn about God and yourself.

3. Practice

When we learn about God on the mission trip, then practice it at home, you will grow.  Your life will never be the same.  After the mission trip we will help you to practice what you have learned.

So if you think you might want to go on Moveolution, start here

This will get the ball rolling.  We will contact you immediately to help you get started.

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Our next Moveolution trip is:

by Kyle McKinnon 22 Oct, 2010 » Add the first comment. moveolution-2011 Our next Moveolution opportunity is the 1:8 Experience.  In six week you will get a chance to look at your Jerusalem, Judea, and the rest of the world.  The experience starts February 18 and finishes April 16th 2011.  It is for young people ages 15 to 18. It costs £600, and we have a plan to help […] Read more »

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