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Entity: Reign Ministries


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Archive Datetime: 2016-01-30T07:51:01




February 2016



Request Info

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the cost?

The cost of the trip includes international airfare, accommodations, ministry supplies, team food, and Training Weekend. Each student must also supply a personal incidentals amount. There are some additional costs such as pocket money, obtaining a passport, and getting a notarised letter signed for those under 18.#### How do I raise all the money for the trip?

We will send you all the materials and information you need to raise support. We will train you and coach you through the process. We also will work with your youth leader to help you develop strategic ways to raise funding as a group.#### How safe is it?

There is an element of risk in any travel a person does however these are the steps we have taken to provide as safe an experience as possible.

We have done a research trip specifically to do a risk assessment and to make sure the method of travel was reliable enough.

We also have a group travel insurance policy that is taken out with a company that works specifically with groups going abroad.

  1. This will be our eighth trip to this part of Europe since 2004.
  2. We will have translators with us should we need help and along with that we are working with a team that lives there year around so they are very aware and able to access the help and care should we need it.

How will I contact my child?

Phone access can be limited when teams are traveling in remote areas but they will be traveling with a working international mobile. There are also people in Moldova who will be able to contact the team at all times once in the country. Those numbers will be posted here when they are available. As a ministry, we are in constant contact with our team leaders and will send out updates as they become available from the Reign Ministries office.

Parent Testimonies

Grace is my second child and her older brother had been away with Reign Ministries 3 times on mission trips. He was 16 the first time he went and I knew it had been one of those life-changing opportunities. I wanted Grace to have the same opportunities and experiences that her brother had and would encourage anyone considering such a trip to make sure they went!

Liz from Bicester

The experience was definitely outside my daughter’s comfort zone but she managed very successfully to deal with each challenge as it arose. I believe she was very privileged to have the opportunity to see life from a different angle and know that the experience continues to help her make decisions now.

Parent from Bicester

I would actively encourage parents to support their youth’s decisions to go. Meet and talk with parents and youth that have been before to get a better picture of what an amazing opportunity this is.

Parent from Bicester

It was a privilege to listen in the car on the way back to Ashby from LHR as the girls reflected on the experience and to her their testimony in church last Sunday. My daughter certainly has gained from the experience and we pray that it will turn out to be one of those character moulding and life setting moments for her.

Parent from Ashby

My wife and I want to thank you (and your family for letting you be away for the trip!) for organising and leading this experience. Our daughter has come back changed and spiritually charged. Thank you most of all for all your prayers the spiritual input you have given and for allowing our daughter and the others to serve the Lord by serving others. We can see the spiritual as well as emotional growth that theses few weeks have afforded. I suppose ultimately we want to thank the Lord for using you as His servant and for His continued working among not only our children but those ministered to in Moldova.

Parent from Birmingham