Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to Reign Ministries.

Source Details

Entity: Reign Ministries


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Archive Datetime: 2018-09-04T19:30:38


Bicester, England


28 July- 3 August, 2018



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Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the cost?

The cost of the trip includes your accommodation, food and resources for the youth clubs you are facilitating. A £25 deposit is due by 1 June.#### Where will we stay?

The team will stay at the Reign Ministries offices in Bicester. #### What will we do?

The power behind a week of Moveolution comes in that we spending time seeking God everyday. Sound scary? It’s not. We’ll show you how to spend time with God in prayer and how to listen to his voice.

As a group we will spend the week learning about the power of story- both listening to others and telling our own.

In the afternoons we put to practice what we are learning by serving the community through children’s and youth clubs in the local park.

In the evening we gather and celebrate what we saw God do that day through each other.

Parent Testimonies

Grace is my second child and her older brother had been away with Reign Ministries 3 times on mission trips. He was 16 the first time he went and I knew it had been one of those life-changing opportunities. I wanted Grace to have the same opportunities and experiences that her brother had and would encourage anyone considering such a trip to make sure they went!

Liz from Bicester

I would actively encourage parents to support their youth’s decisions to go. Meet and talk with parents and youth that have been before to get a better picture of what an amazing opportunity this is.

Parent from Bicester

It was a privilege to listen in the car on the way back to Ashby from LHR as the girls reflected on the experience and to hear their testimony in church last Sunday. My daughter certainly has gained from the experience and we pray that it will turn out to be one of those character moulding and life setting moments for her.

Parent from Ashby

My wife and I want to thank you (and your family for letting you be away for the trip!) for organising and leading this experience. Our daughter has come back changed and spiritually charged. Thank you most of all for all your prayers, the spiritual input you have given and for allowing our daughter and the others to serve the Lord by serving others. We can see the spiritual as well as emotional growth that these few weeks have afforded. I suppose ultimately we want to thank the Lord for using you as His servant and for His continued working among not only our children but those ministered to in Moldova.

Parent from Birmingham



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