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Archive Datetime: 2013-06-22T23:47:21

The Reign Children share: An Invitation to Your Family

Categories: Uncategorized

In June, Reign in the UK will be hosting our first ever online fundraising event!  Plans are underway for three days of celebrating, giving and praying, all to mark our 5 year anniversary.  But we aren’t going to party along!  We are inviting our supporters and prayer partners to join us!  For three days we’ll share our celebrations in daily videos as well as live-stream our prayer times and gatherings.

As part of the celebration, we are asking God to help us finish the Motoshop refurbishment.  Phase 1 and 2 have been completed!  Phase 3 will transform the downstairs interior.  This will include office and meeting spaces, as well as kitchen and bathroom facilities.  In June we will endeavor to raise some of the remaining funds to finish the project.  Thanks to a generous matching gift, the first £3,000.00 (or dollars or Euros) given during those three days will be doubled.  That’s right, doubled!

The children are gearing up!  They are determined to reach that £3,000.00 goal.

If your family wants to get involved in helping us raise some pennies, pence or cents to refurbish the Motoshop, we would love your help.

If you are local to Bicester you can join our table top sale or bake sale on May 4.

If you live a bit farther away do your own project, and e-mail a one minute video to us.  We’ll include your video in an update during our 5th Birthday Celebration in June.  Click here for all the information you need!