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6 questions to ask myself about finding adult volunteers

by Darin Stevens 2010/12/08 » Add the first comment. Darin Stevens This is a continuation of Darin’s article from last week. What is my picture of a great volunteer? If it’s someone in their 20’s with a great haircut and maybe even a piercing or tattoo or two, think again.  The adult leaders who had the biggest impact in my life Read more »

Finding Leaders for Youth Ministry

by Darin Stevens 2010/11/29 » Add more comments. Darin Stevens “How can we find leaders to help with our ministry?” Whenever I talk with other youth ministers and they share their biggest needs, ‘more leaders’ usually ranks first or second. I was lamenting the difficulty of finding quality leaders with a ministry friend this past week and he said, “Ok, Read more »

Why The Church Isn’t Failing Enough

by Colin Piper 2010/09/09 » Add the first comment. photo-41-150x150 When Jesus died, He appeared an abject failure. Experts could pin point the moments He lost it. There was the time He sent away the rich young ruler. And what about the time He had the crowd of 5000 eating out of His hands. One moment they wanted to make Read more »

5 practical steps for a youthworker to take in approaching a school

by Kyle McKinnon 2010/05/10 » Add the second comment.

Last September I started a new role here in London with the Sutton Schools Christian Workers Trust (try saying that a few times quickly!). I’m the secondary schools coordinator for this particular London Borough which means that I have the awesome privilege of coordinating and developing Christian schools work Read more »

Postmodern Faith Journeys, Part 2

by Darin Stevens 2010/04/19 » Add more comments.

To read the first part of this article, click here. A NEW APPROACH One of my youth ministry professors always liked to quote the proverb about leading a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. “That is true, she said, but you can feed the horse salt!”  So Read more »

Postmodern Faith Journeys, Part 1

by Darin Stevens 2010/04/12 » Add more comments.

1.  Realise I am a Spiritual Being 2.  Explore the Relevance of a Connection with God 3.  Encounter the Person of Jesus as One Fully Connected with God 4.  Discover how to Re-connect with God 5.  Start a New Relationship with God A Common Story I was recently helping out Read more »

Following Jesus and doing What Jesus did. Part 1

by Linda Isgrove 2010/03/29 » Add the second comment.

We all want to follow Jesus and do what he did, but when we read the gospels it can be hard to believe that it is possible. Over the last few years there has been a change in the air, people’s expectation of what God can do through them has Read more »

Discipleship: Learners vs. Experts

by Alysen Merrill 2010/03/22 » Add more comments.

Discipleship is a challenging thing, but everyone is an expert at something! Webster’s online dictionary defines “Expert” as: Adj: 1) Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. 2) Having or showing great skill or knowledge or special training as expected of a professional; “an expert opinion”. Noun: A Read more »

The Family a Major Force for Shaping Young People

by Andy Hardy 2010/03/11 » Add the second comment.

Family ministry, whether it is for Christians or non-Christians, may not be about calling people to come to a church building, but rather to invite them to join God’s family in a community (EKKLESIA/church = Gathering of people in any place at any time).  Going to church may no longer be defined Read more »

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