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By Jane McKinnon

I love helping out with our local church, meeting with teenagers on a regular basis, and participating in Reign Ministries’ community to pray, evaluate, strategise and plan. Follow Jane McKinnon on or Facebook or support Jane McKinnon with a donation

One Response to See For Yourself

Trust all is well with you all.

This email is for Mel and Colin. Please If you can forward it to them, that would be much appreciated.

Hi Mel and Colin,

It’s sure been a while. I trust you are blessed and continue to be a blessing.

I am well too, by the grace of God. I have been in the USA going now to my fourth year, doing ministry formally and informally. God has been amazing in my life, and to Him be all the glory. I am at a kind of a cross road in my life right now, that is why I am contacting you.

I have been toying with the idea of starting a similar youth and adult training ministry either back home or here in the US. I am praying for God’s leadership and guidance, as you can imagine. I would really appreciate your prayers in this regard. I would also like some information as to what this would entail, if at all I were to do it. So I would like you to break it down for me, that is the steps I’d have to take, the things i’d have to think about and have in place, even before I go ahead.

Thank you and may the Good Lord continue to show Himself strong in and through your lives.

Much love,



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