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Reign Ministries

Reign Ministries

Missions Trips, Youth Work, Discipleship Training, Church Growth

BA Course List

ICY2012 BA Course List

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Introduction to Biblical Studies Intro to the Old Testament Intro to the New Testament Mission History in the West The rise of Western Christendom Christendom, Modernism and Postmodernism Introduction to Missional Theology Introduction to Theology Practical Theology and Missional Spiritual Theology Introduction to Missional Youth Ministry Missional Leadership Preaching and Communication Theory and Practice Themes in Pastoral Ethics Intermediate Biblical Studies Mission and Culture Research Methods Mission and Culture Research Methods Case Studies in Researching and Planting Missional Communities Intermediate Missional Theology Missional Ecclesiology Pneumatology Intermediate Missional Youth Ministry Intermediate Skills for Youth Ministers Communication Theory – Narrative Preaching Themes in Pastoral Ethics Applied Biblical Studies Mission Action Narratives in the New Testament Reflecting on NT documents to Lead Teams in Cross-Cultural Missiology Theology of Missio Dei Theory Applied Missional Youth Ministry Critical Themes in Missional Youth Ministry Leading Change in Youth Ministry Dissertation

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“‘What I am learning academically is so easily adaptable to my church. It’s not only my knowledge that profits, but also my personal life and the church I am serving in.” - Sarah

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