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How is it delivered?

The BA is delivered through a combination of residential conferences and weekly local mentoring.

  • You will attend six residential conferences per year where you will be led in guided facilitations covering the BA modules. Lectures are interactive and tutors take time to help students apply their learning to the placement ministries. To hear what students are learning a conference, click here.
  • You will attend a weekly cluster of other youth ministry trainees in your area.  An experienced cluster leader will help support you and oversee your practical training.
  • You will participate in at least 13 hours of ministry a week. The hours you spend in ministry will go toward earning your degree!
  • In between conferences and cluster meetings, you will spend 10-15 hours per week in personal reading, studying and essay writing.
  • Essays and course work are submitted electronically to be marked and recorded.

What does a normal week look like?

In ministry no week is normal, but typically you can expect to do:

  • 13-25 hours of ministry
  • 10-15 hours personal study toward degree
  • 3-4 hour meeting with your coach and cluster
  • Personal day off with no ministry or degree responsibilities

What does the BA (Hons) Theology and Mission qualify me to do once I finished?

Having a theology degree as well as three years of experience in leading youth ministry prepares you for a life of mission to young people and opens many doors for further vocational ministry. Graduates often are hired as youth ministers in a local church or choose to pioneer new mission to youth.

The degree qualifies you to go on for further Masters level training if desired.#### Where would I live?

Each situation is different depending on your placement church. Most students live with a host family from the church while some churches set up a flat or flat-share for the trainee.#### When do I start?

New Students are inducted onto the degree in September and January. For the full application process click here.#### What are the dates of the residential conferences?

For the 2015-2016 academic year:

  • 14-18 September, 2015
  • 9-13 November, 2015
  • 6-10 January, 2016
  • 29 February-4 March, 2016
  • 9-13 May, 2016
  • 20-24 June, 2016

Degree Information Pack

How do I Apply?

Contact Form

  • Name*



  • Email*
  • Phone
  • What are you interested in?*
    • Youth Ministry Degree
    • Gap Year
    • Stir Pack
    • Youth Discipleship Training
    • Become a Placement Church
    • Other
  • Question / Comments*

Please let us know how we can help you or what questions we can answer for you.