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* Stories

Living and being the gospel at  Sicily, Italy

Testimony by Marco Basile

We are Marco, Cinzia and Sophia Basile and we have been part of the TOM family since 2003.

We live on the beautiful island of Sicily, Italy and have been serving the Lord full time for the past 14 years. We began a ministry called Jesus Generation in 2005, which has become part of the church here that we pastor.

marco cinzia sofia.jpgAround 8 years ago by the grace of God and a desire to reach those in need we started Agape Mission, through this ministry we have shared the gospel and the love of God to many diverse groups of people, these include Roma gypsies, the homeless, immigrants and women who are involved in human trafficking.

Through the Agape Mission many people have come to know Jesus as their savior and God has used this work to unify the churches in the city of Catania. We began as five/seven  people from our local church and now multiple churches across the city are involved and we have hundreds of people serving this ministry on a regular basis.

mission tend 2.jpgmission 5.jpgRefuge’s camp.jpgAgape Team.jpgRecently, Agape Mission opened a ministry Centre in the city where people have easy access to a safe space where they can talk to someone, learn new skills, shower and of course learn about Jesus. We realized that meeting the practical needs of people is the best way to share the Gospel and love of God.

In 2012, Jesus Generation purchased an abandoned vineyard with the vision to call a generation back to God and raise up sons and daughters in the faith, this project is called Missione Terreno. (

On this land we are currently building a ministry Centre, which will be a place where we can restore, equip and send people out from. Through miraculous provision we have now completed the foundations of the first building and are praying for finances to complete the roof and to finish our first phase of construction.

the land.jpgmission (2).jpgThe building at the land.jpgmission.jpgOn this land we are currently building a ministry center, which will be a place where we can restore, equip and send people out from. Through miraculous provision we have now completed the foundations of the first building and are praying for finances to complete the roof and to finish our first phase of construction.

We have and are facing challenges and opposition, it is not always easy to walk by faith and not by sight, but because of God’s grace we have seen His faithfulness in times of trials and suffering.


The Order of Mission is a company limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales – No. 4780525. Registered Charity No. 1100206

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