Note: This is an archived version of the page from related to The Order Of Mission.

Source Details

Entity: The Order Of Mission


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Archive Datetime: 2014-09-21T08:26:56


United Kingdom

The UK is the birth place of The Order of Mission (TOM) and as such currently has the highest membership.

UK Membership (Mid 2013)

112 Permanent Members

86 Temporary Members

65 Associate members

14 Explorers


The Senior Guardian has elected the following Guardians to serve across the UK:

UK Chair of Guardians

Mick Woodhead (Sheffield) UK Guardians

Tricia Woodhead (Sheffield)

John & Liz Lovell (Sheffield)

Diane Kershaw (Sheffield)

Paul & Elly Maconochie (Sheffield)

Robert & Alice Ward (Newcastle)

Peter & Anne Findley (Coventry)

Andy & Linsey Poultney (Romford)

Anne Maclaurin (Cambridge)

Gareth & Lizzy Robinson (Stockport)

If you would like to contact TOM UK please email the Regional Administrator by [clicking here]( Regional Page - UK).

For specific UK based news please click here to visit the UK regional page.


The Order of Mission (TOM) has a significant presence in Scandinavia.

Scandinavian Membership (Mid 2013)

20 Permanent Members

56 Temporary Members

3 Associate members

4 Explorers


The Senior Guardian has elected the following Guardians to serve across Scandinavia:

Scandinavian Chair of Guardians

Keld Dahlmann (Aarhus, Denmark) Scandinavian Guardians

Henrik Holmgaard (Aalborg, Denmark)

Christoffer Perret (Helsinki, Finland)

Peter Sondergaard (Fredericksberg, Denmark)

Thomas Willer (Copenhagen, Denmark)

If you would like to contact TOM Scandinavia please email the Regional Administrator by [clicking here]( Regional Page - Scandinavia).

Central Europe

Central Europe is currently a developing area for TOM.

Membership (Mid 2013)

7 Permanent Members

4 Temporary Members

9 Associate MembersCentral European Guardians

Reinhold Krebs (Herrenberg, Germany)

There is no Regional Administrator currently located in Central Europe but if you would like to contact TOM regarding this region please get in touch with the global administrators using the contact form on this site.