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The Order Of Mission

Home > Life > Rule and Pattern of Life


As an Order we have committed to a rule or pattern for life that has at its core the vision of embracing a life that is simple, pure and accountable so that the mission of God is not hindered.  The pattern we have chosen to use to help us live this way is called Lifeshapes.
Lifeshapes is a set of practical tools for missionary living grounded in biblical insights that enables Order members to live the TOM way.  Lifeshapes is not a philosophy or a programme, but rather concepts which embody what it is to be a follower of Jesus and to pattern our lives after him. Lifeshapes are powerless unless put into practice and it is expected that an Order member will be well grounded in their use.

For a brief introduction to each of the eight shapes keep reading, or view the videos to see a fuller explanation of how each shape works.  

Resources and further teaching on Lifeshapes can be found by going to

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