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Privacy Policy for The Order of Mission (TOM)

Updated June 2018


TOM ’s data responsibility

We process personal information and have therefore adopted this Privacy Policy, which briefly tells you how we treat your personal information to ensure fair and transparent processing.

Our data processing is generally characterized by the fact that we only use personal data for specific purposes and legitimate interests. We process only personal information that is relevant and necessary for fulfilling the stated purposes and we will delete your data once it does not serve a specific purpose.


Contact information on data controller

TOM is the data controller and we ensure that your personal information is processed in accordance with the laws.

Contact information:

Contact person: Network coordinator Johannes Thomsen

Address: Tingvej 44, 8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 36617799




Processing personal data 

We handle the following personal information, which you voluntarily submit via our website upon enrollment in TOM, or through signing up for an Exploration process:


Membership information:

  • General personal information:

    • Registration and contact information such as name, gender, type of membership, date of membership transitions, nationality, address, registration date, phone number, date of birth, e-mail address, portrait photo
  • Sensitive personal information:

    • Financial Giving and Gift Aid, Family information (name and age of any spouse and children), current church affiliation and denomination, your type in the Fivefold ministry (Eph. 2), who introduced you to TOM, how you are presently associated with TOM, who is or who was your ‘Accompanying Member’, as well as other biographical details you have found relevant to provide us.


Information about volunteers and employees

  • General personal information:

    • Same information as ‘membership information’
    • Bank account number
    • Recruitment period
  • Sensitive personal information

    • Social security number
    • Possible information about criminal offenses (obtained through Children’s Certificate)


Here is a list of the cookies we collect when you use 


Our sources of information 

We receive and process the personal information that you provide for us when you fill in a form on our website. However, there may be cases where another member of TOM has given us your basic contact details, but we will not store these unless you confirm them.


The purpose for processing your personal information

The Order of Mission process your personal information for certain purposes, when there is a legitimate reason.


  • Purpose of processing member information:

    • Membership management and -maintenance by the association
    • Personal communication via email, phone, text message, social media, mail
    • Communication on what takes place in TOM - centrally and within the international network - through newsletters, social media, etc.
    • Recruitment, planning, implementation and follow-up on member’s activities
    • Using photos/images depicting a concrete activity or situation in the association
    • Supporting the internal communication between members
    • Managing your relationship with us and your involvement in TOM
    • Keeping data of historical value for statistics and the like
    • Financial giving and gift aid


  • Purpose of handling information on volunteers and employees :

    • Handling the duties and duties of volunteers and employees in the association
    • Performance with legal requirements
    • Payment of salaries, allowances, refunds and the like
    • Managing your relationship with us


Your member information is only processed by employees or appointed managers in TOM.



When you join TOM or begin an Exploration program and fill in an enrollment form (or update form) on our website, you give your active consent that we treat all of the stated personal information about you for the stated purposes. You can withdraw your consent at any time by notifying us at


Dispatch of your personal information

We do not disclose personal information to third parties for marketing or the like without your consent.

We can share your non-sensitive personal information with other members of the TOM.


Storage and deletion of your personal information

We keep your personal information as long as you are a member or Explorer of TOM

We have different treatment and retention periods depending on whether we treat your personal information as a member of the association as an unpaid leader or employee :


  • Members and unpaid executives: We will keep your personal information for a period from the end of your membership / activity and in accordance with the following criteria:

    • For practical and administrative reasons we keep your personal data for up to one year after your membership has ended


  • Paid employees: We will keep your personal information for a period from the end of your work and in accordance with the following criteria:

    • Posting attachment, including e.g. wage bills must be stored for 5 years from the end of the financial year to which the Annex relates
    • Other relevant information for follow-up and consideration of any requirements is stored for 5 years after the work has ended


The security of your data

TOM keeps your personal information to comply with European law and your data will not be disseminated beyond your consent.

We have data processor agreements with the companies that we use, for example, our database, newsletter, email, registration systems, etc. 


We use secure connections and access protection.

We do not basically store your data on private computers. In the case of backup of our information, they will always be encrypted.

In case of a security breach on our systems, we will notify you via email within 72 hours.


Your rights

You have a number of special rights for regarding your personal data:  

  • The right to be informed about the processing of data
  • The right to access your personal data
  • Alter ten of reply
  • The right to get your data deleted
  • The right to limit treatment of your data
  • The right to data portability (data transmission in a commonly used format)
  • The right of objection

You can make use of your rights, including making an objection to our processing, by contacting us at . We will answer you within 4 weeks.


Revision of privacy policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Changes will change the date at the top of the privacy policy. The current privacy policy will be available on our website. In case of significant changes, you will be notified at the email address we have on you.


The Order of Mission (UK) is a company limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales – No. 4780525. Registered Charity No. 1100206

The Order of Missions Global Office is an association under Danish law - CVR: 36617799

Privacy Policy