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* Stories

Temporary to Permanent Membership


Following Temporary vows a period of at least 3 years will be spent testing a call to The Order of Mission. This period is marked by a commitment to be in a huddle, to go on a retreat and undertake at least one mission trip with fellow TOM members or perhaps spend some significant time at a church led by a senior leader in TOM that operates with the core vision & values at its heart. We expect that temporary members would spend some time processing what it means to be part of the Order with their Accompanying Member.


Permanent commitment takes place at Order Gatherings when the Senior Leader and members of the community are present. Permanent Vows are binding for life and for this reason a married person cannot be a permanent unless their spouse is at least an Associate Member.

Associate Members

Associate Members are those who support the values, calling and work of the Order but do not feel called to take vows to become either Temporary or Permanent Members.  We encourage people who want to join as Associate Members to explore membership as described above.  Once someone has become an Associate Member, an Accompanying Member is no longer required unless that Associate intends to further pursue Temporary Membership.


The Order of Mission is a company limited by Guarantee. Registered in England and Wales – No. 4780525. Registered Charity No. 1100206

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