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Archive Datetime: 2012-11-17T18:31:20

The TOM Project

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The following is a download for a whitepaper written by Doug Paul and Jo Saxton that describes the rationale behind this initiative.

[*Mobilizing the Missing Generation:

Reaching Western culture in an age of optional discipleship*](/web/20121117183120/

15 pages (PDF)

A brief note about the nature of a whitepaper:

The purpose of a whitepaper isn’t to serve as an exploration of all the research we’ve encountered of a particular question or problem. A whitepaper offers an overview of much of the research, explores the question, and then offers a possible solution. It is not meant to be an academic paper. In laymen’s terms, rather than giving a lengthy dissertation, it offers a summation, points to the most poignant research, and then explores a way forward. As such, after the conclusion of the paper, you will find the 21 sources that have been the most influential in this research if you would like to research further.

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