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Making Disciples

[Latest Blog Post:

Discipleship is for all and not the few

Kay Morgan-Gurr](/web/20181025200624/

Elevating the conversation around discipleship and spiritual formation

Making Disciples is an assessment tool to be used by any church, small group or individual interested in elevating the conversation around discipleship and spiritual formation.

How it works

The Discipleship Shape Tool provides time and headspace to reflect upon our own discipleship. We do this by asking questions that might help us see where we need to invest and give attention. This is not a tool to leave us feeling bad or condemned but a tool that will excite us for what God has planned for us. God has more in store for us than we have at the moment. Our discipleship opens us up further to His work in and through our lives.

Small Groups

Use the Making Disciples workbook. Following an insightful seven-week course, this tool unpacks the user’s strengths and gifts and ultimately helps people grow and develop as disciples of Jesus.



Use the Making Disciple workbook or online tool to fnd your discipleship shape. Content tailored to suit you helps you group and develop as a follower of Jesus.

Find your discipleship shape

For Churches

If you are a church leader, find out how finding your church’s discipleship shape can help grow your and develop your congregation discipleship


Disciple Making Tool

Personal discipleship is about moving closer to what Jesus wants for us in every area of our lives. Jesus is asked what is the greatest commandment, He responds Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbour as yourself. [[Luke 10:27]]( Discipleship and spiritual formation is the surrendering of all things to the love and will of God.

We have broken that down into three areas - loving God with our heads, hearts, and hands.

Know, Think & Understand


Contribute, Create & Lead


Love, Appreciate & Belong

Use the discipleship tool to discover your areas to celebrate and grow in your discipleship

Find your discipleship shape

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  • Essential Christian
  • Awaken movement

Making Disciples is brought to you by Essential Christian and Awaken Movement

Essential Christian, registered charity number 1126997, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 6667924.

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