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Introduction Welcome to Missional Made Simple!

Posted by alexabsalom ⋅ August 5, 2010 ⋅ 1 Comment

Filed Under  introduction, Launching Missional Communities, welcome

If you’d like to contact me, you have a number of options:

- Please feel free to post a comment on this blog

- Contribute to the Facebook Missional Community page

- Follow me on Twitter (alexabsalom)

- Email me: hello[at]

I’d love to hear from you!


About alexabsalom

Working with leaders and churches who are developing Missional Communities - this is Missional Made Simple! View all posts by alexabsalom »

Teaching Music as a Door-Opener in an Inner City Neighborhood »

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One Response to “Welcome to Missional Made Simple!”

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!

Posted by doug | August 9, 2010, 9:33 pm

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