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Alex Absalom on the practicalities of Missional Communities and growing disciples

Jason on a First Attempt at OUT

20 09 2010

In our forthcoming book, Launching Missional Communities, we have included a whole number of real life stories from people I’ve mentored who have done just that!  Here is one very down-to-earth example of the ups and downs of developing a clear mission focus.

“Our first ‘out’ was to organize a trash pick-up around where we live and we invited our Neighborhood Association to join us.  When the day came around only five people showed up, including my wife and me plus one other leader from our group.  Needless to say, we were a little discouraged by the turnout, but our neighbors were happy with our desire to invest in the locality and the next week one of them showed up at our house with a thank you note and homemade bread! It also caught the attention of the major landlord in the area, leading us to have had tons of favor since then. The Neighborhood Association has begun to outsource a lot of neighborhood projects to our missional community.  As they have shown more trust in us, it has encouraged our MC members to be more dedicated to doing ‘out’.  For us as a missional community it went to show how faith the size of a mustard seed can be used by God to accomplish more than we can often imagine.”

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