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Research, Vision Helping People to Belong

Posted by alexabsalom ⋅ December 9, 2010 ⋅ Leave a Comment

Filed Under  belonging, research, vision

Sociologist Christian Smith (in Souls in Transition, published about a year ago) has extensively researched the religious and cultural state of young adults in the United States.  He shows that belonging is a vital component of their worldview.  Smith comments that, “They’re usually not uncomfortable in religious services – they often describe their religious congregations, when they have one, as being ‘friendly’ – but they really don’t feel much actual belonging or sense of being at home.”

Citing many of the interviews conducted in his research, Smith draws attention to the finding that many emerging adults speak of finding deeper belonging outside of church.  In this example, referring to being part of a rugby team, note the linkage between belonging (community) and a common goal (mission).  “The team, everybody’s going after the same goal, and it brings people together.  At the same time there’s a game going on, something that’s distracting, so I don’t have to carry a conversation, just anything that you thought of could go.  I could have said anything, and it wouldn’t be weird while I was just watching or playing the game.”

  • Is your MC mission vision clear enough to actually build the sense of community?  How can you do this better?
  • If someone who is unchurched comes to your Missional Community, where would they find it easy to belong and where would they encounter barriers?  Is it ever appropriate for people coming into MC life to encounter barriers?

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