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Discipleship, Politics The Day After Voting

Posted by alexabsalom ⋅ November 7, 2012 ⋅ 3 Comments

Filed Under  discipleship, Politics

In the 1770s John Wesley gave three rules to his communities for dealing with the election process.

Today, with some feeling elated and others deflated after the US elections, they still provide us with some excellent godly guidance.

  1. Vote, without fee or reward, for the person you deem most worthy

  2. Speak no evil of the person you vote against

  3. Take care that your spirit is not sharpened against those who voted on the other side

Let’s take that wisdom and apply it to our conversations, Facebook posts, tweets and prayers in the days ahead!

How we should be behaving after the vote

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« How To Vote When You Are Stuck! How Missionaries Respond To Exit Polls »


3 Responses to “The Day After Voting”

  1. Good thoughts and a great reminder.

Posted by hollydjackson | November 7, 2012, 1:03 pm

Reply to this comment 2. The motive is good in what was said, “Vote, without fee or reward, for the person you deem most worthy”. But what if you have people who do not understand biblical principles of what “is most worthy”. Good intentions are good but a prosperous whole society is based on wisdom. I am afraid that we have lost a lot of the renewing of the mind in this country to judge correctly.

Posted by Craig B. Cooper | November 7, 2012, 2:16 pm

Reply to this comment 3. Holly – thanks!

Craig – interesting point! I hear what you are saying, but of course this side of heaven we are never going to live in a country where the government is full of wise-from-God men and women. For instance, much of Wesley’s experience in his native England was of a nation that was very far from an active walk with Jesus (a situation that his ministry went a long way to turning around).

Wesley’s three instructions tell us to do our best to pick from the available options, but, regardless of how our leaders turn out, we are not at liberty to behave in a manner towards them that dishonors Christ. So I suspect that Wesley would answer your question by saying that we are not let off the hook! Tough but challenging stuff!

Posted by alexabsalom | November 8, 2012, 8:52 pm

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