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Discipleship Healing From Hurtful Family Relationships

Posted by alexabsalom ⋅ April 18, 2013 ⋅ Leave a Comment

The Spirit Can Heal Us Through The Story Of Joseph

Most people who start to be drawn into your missional community won’t arrive perfect! In particular, they will bring hurts, wounds and scars from their family (both current and their family of origin). Unless this is dealt with, they won’t be able to grow fully into all that God has for them.

For those who are thoroughly unchurched, they perhaps won’t even realize that Jesus loves to heal us from that sort of thing. So as missional communities go and grow, we need to be able to help people encounter the healing power of Jesus in their damaged family relationships.

Part of my own story has been God’s healing work in this area of my life. Here’s some teaching I did last week at RiverTree, on how Jesus heals us from hurtful family relationships. The story of Joseph has been such a helpful paradigm for me to process this journey of healing, which is what this talk focuses upon. There are also three practical principles that any of us can take away and live out: It takes time, God starts with me, and I need to forgive.

If nothing else, check out the great jokes that I was able to find and deploy in the first 5 minutes or so – if you don’t laugh, you can have your money back!!

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