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Archive Datetime: 2013-08-07T08:04:36

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3 Steps To Teachers Who Answer, “So What?”

Posted on July 29, 2013 by alexabsalom

Why should I listen to you?Why should I listen to you?

Energized by exploring and grasping the truth, teachers love to pass on what they learn for others to apply in their own lives.  In particular, they help the people of God to remain biblically grounded and to seek His wisdom.

Teachers are the people who make the complicated simple.  They have a God-given ability to boil things down in such a way as to make learning memorable and interesting.  Teachers connect the dots that the rest of us can’t yet see.

You know you’ve been with a teacher because you leave them hungry to read the bible for yourself, to study the Truth and to apply it – into your personal life, into your community, into the life of your place of mission.

However, teachers face the constant temptation to love knowledge for knowledge’s sake.  Their goal is not to show off how much they know or just how sound they are in their interpretation of the truth!

  • How can teachers pass the “So what?” test that most of their audience have as their primary filter?
  • What are the best ways to encourage teachers as they draw close to God for His information, knowledge and revelation?
  • What sort of community best enables teachers to teach for transformation in others?
  • How do we take what teachers give us and multiply that out for others to grasp and live out?

This sermon is part of our series on APEST: Everyone Can Play series. Here are the links to the previous teachings:

If you would like to see the slides I used, then here is the teacher slideshow.

Finally, in the sermon I reference an NPR interview with Martha Stewart – it’s very short, but comes in two clips – here and here.

RESPOND:  What kind of church does it take to equip smart, thoughtful and robust disciples?


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