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50 Worship Ideas For Your Missional Community That Don’t Require A Musician

Posted in Missional Communities, Worship permalink

  • How do you worship in a missional community that is made up of a wide mixture of spiritual journeys, including people who wouldn’t describe themselves as Christians?
  • How do you worship in a way that is lightweight and reproducible?
  • How do you worship when you don’t have any musicians in your missional community?

Help! Worship

In order to help groups and leaders, my friend (and colleague) Andrew Berg has created a booklet of resources that are designed to be used in a missional community. This means that Help! We Don’t Have A Guitar Player is a fantastic FREE set of 50 worship ideas that you can take and implement today!

I asked Andrew to introduce this resource to you, including explaining what motivated him to put the time into this project.

Worship is our response to God for all that He is. It’s not just singing — ultimately, as Romans tells us, it’s a lifestyle. In worship we:

  • Obey God
  • Adore Him
  • Confess our sins to Him
  • Sit silently in awe of Him
  • Express our thanks to Him
  • Bring Him our praise, and so on.

In the Old Testament, the most common word for worship is shachah, which means “to lie prostrate” before God. When the people of the Bible encountered God, they were typically so filled with fear and awe that all they could do was bow before Him in worship.

Our modern church culture has made worship into singing songs of praise along with a U2-sounding rock band with great lights behind them. While I love this style of worship, and there’s nothing wrong with it, there’s more to worship than just this.

Missional communities offer a fantastic opportunity to worship God in ways different from our typical Sunday worship gatherings.

My goal in compiling this packet is to provide you with some simple ideas to help your community cultivate a healthy worshipping life out where you live, work, and have friends. Healthy roots lead to healthy fruits, so coming into God’s presence on a regular basis helps fuel and sustain the mission to which your community is called.

I realize that not every group will have a musician, so most of these ideas are geared toward coming into God’s presence without live music.

In order to download the booklet, please click here.

I have also created some free instrumental tracks that you can use in your group.

I’ve just downloaded 50 FREE worship ideas for missional communities!Click To TweetPowered By CoSchedule

As you look through, please take, tweak and adjust the outlines to fit your context. As you come up with other ideas that are sparked from this packet, please let me know so I can keep adding to the list—I’d like to increase the number of ideas here! Connect with me my via my blog or on Twitter.

My prayer is that many people will engage with God as a result of these ideas and that He will receive all the glory and honor.



What is the best example you’ve experienced of non-musical worship?

Use the comment section below to share your thoughts and experiences.

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Posted on May 7, 2014 by alexabsalom

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