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7 Serve Ideas For Missional Communities With Kids

Posted in Children, Missional Communities permalink

Each one of these suggestions has been done by one or more of our missional communities. Use these ideas to stir your own creative juices!


  1. Help with the organizing of a community fun run. This might be the advertising, set-up, drinks stations, prize-giving, clear-up, etc. This is a great way to be highly visible and present in the town you are called to reach.
  2. Organize a Reverse Vacation Bible School in a nursing home – instead of being for the kids, it is for the residents, and the children run it!
  3. Bake cookies and desserts, set them onto trays, and send inter-generational groups off to deliver them to places in the community. If you mix up children with adults (ie not going as family groups), then the children receive a fresh angle on discipleship. One of our groups went to Subway, and offered a platter to the staff there – causing the manager to burst into tears (of gratitude!).
  4. When a nearby school has Parent-Teacher conference night, provide a great meal for the staff to enjoy in their breaks. It will need to be buffet and easy to consume, but they will be so appreciative. Have the children not only prepare but serve and clear up.
  5. Include your children in your group planning, including retreats. They will help you dream up interesting ideas that you would never come up with just as adults!
  6. Partner with an urban missional community that is working with the inner-city poor. Bring all ages along for serve projects, such as doing repairs and painting homes.
  7. Hold a family film night in a local park, on a summer evening. Have the children help with all aspects of advertising and organization.



What serve events have you successfully had children fully involved as team members?



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  • To read another perspective on this topic (Daring Kids On Mission) pleaseclick here
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Posted on March 5, 2014 by alexabsalom

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