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Oct 29 2014

Robinson Family Update

We wanted to inform you of some key updates for 3DM Europe and for us as a family (the Robinsons).

As you are hopefully aware our vision is for Europe to be transformed by a movement of missionary disciples: people who take up the call to make disciples who make disciples so that we see this continent changed for Jesus. We know that 3DM Europe plays a small part in seeing this happen, as God graciously works through us. Our role as 3DM is to help equip, train and serve the local church which will then impact the area around them.

We also have a growing desire for a stronger connection and partnership with other European leaders – so that we share one vision for Europe. We have been asking the question of how we can build together, in unity and partnership, to access Kingdom synergy and breakthrough.

Alongside continuing the many Learning Communities we do with many different Churches & partners we want to move to intentionally focus on creating “Hub churches” that can train others in their region. We envision these “hub churches” to be centres of mission which see their region transformed by a movement of Missional Disciples. We currently have 6 hub churches and are increasingly recognizing that a key role of 3DM Europe needs to be to train and support these hub churches. These hub churches will then invest in other churches in their network or areas to edify the body and extend the kingdom in their region. We’ll continue to use learning communities, coaching and resources to do this centrally in relationship with multiple churches & organisations as well as in, and through, these key hubs.

Our response to this as a nuclear family has been to ask God where we are best positioned to enable this process to happen and also to be leaders who “pave the way” of investing in key hubs. We have prayed and processed this with our key accountability relationships over the last few months and as we have sought to hear God we have heard him calling us to “go”. We have processed a number of options of where we could go and after a time of seeking and listening to God we feel Him calling us as a nuclear family to move to Edinburgh to be with Karl and Niki Martin at Central, Edinburgh. Our vision for being there is to support Central in becoming a fruitful centre of mission that impacts its city and will coach and lead others in the process. We will do this alongside continuing to lead 3DM Europe.

Though we are really excited about all that is ahead we are also sad to be leaving Sheffield, which has been home to Rich for nearly twenty years and is Anna’s hometown. This is not a decision we’ve taken lightly and we know that there will be a cost for us as we leave and for those that stay in Sheffield. Anna has also written a blog post on our personal blog where she talks more personally about this process. You can read that by clicking here.

We are so thankful for all that has been invested into us during our time in Sheffield and we look forward to a continuing relationship with both Network Church Sheffield and St Thomas Crookes in Sheffield. A smaller 3DM Europe team will still be based in Sheffield whom we will continue to have overall leadership of.

We hope that this is clear and that you can see how the changes match our heart and vision. We’ll communicate more details in the coming months but for now we’d value your prayers for us as a family and extended family.

With love and blessings,

Rich and Anna



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